Thursday 20 November 2008


Dance like no-one is watching Sing like no-one is listening and Love like you have never been hurt.


I can’t stop singing ‘The Green, Green Grass of Home.’
“That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome.”
“Is it common?”
“It’s Not

Web Stats 10 - 16 November 2008

Sunday 16 November 2008


Justice - when you get what you deserve

Mercy - when you don't get what you deserve

Grace - when you get what you don't deserve

Friday 7 November 2008


You are a valuable person

You are a special person

You are a unique person

You are beautiful

You are precious

You are unrepeatable

You are mysterious

You are a beautiful human person

No one will ever exist like You

No one will ever experience the life You have experienced

You are a collection of specialness that has never been put together before

Your life deserves a film premiere at a west end cinema

You are so special and valuable that Jesus died for You

He loves You so much that he has given his life for You

His love is completely and totally 100% for You

His love for You is unconditional

If You became a better person now, today, God couldn't love You anymore tomorrow.

His love for You is total now and he cannot love You anymore.

You are 100% totally and completely loved.


Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.


I am the opposite to boring
I am the opposite to depressing
I am the opposite to ugly
I am the opposite to stupid
I am the opposite to successful
I am the opposite to smart
I am the opposite to intelligent
I am the opposite to rich
I am the opposite to frozen
I am the opposite to perfect
I am the opposite to complete
I am the opposite to settled
I am the opposite to content
I am the opposite to being
I am the opposite to hard
I am the opposite to silent
I am the opposite to paused
I am the opposite to country
I am the opposite to still
I am the opposite to death
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I have left some blanks for you to complete ....................... ?

Web Stats 27 Oct - 2 Nov 2008

Web Stats 20 - 26 October 2008

Tuesday 19 August 2008


@ Greenbelt .......

Help us remember that the idiot who cut us up in trafficis a single Mother who has worked nine hours that day and is rushing to Greenbelt to cook a meal and settle the kids down so they can have a good first day at the festival and spend a few precious moments with her friends who have saved hard to get to Greenbelt.

Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can't handle his change correctly is a worried YMCA Hostel resident who is behind in his rent and cannot afford the cheapest hotdog on site. At the same time balancing his apprehension over his fear of not getting on well with the group he came with.

Remind us Lord, that the scary looking young woman rolling her eyes and cannot stop moving her body, is a recovering slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our worst nightmares.

Remind us that the scars of the self harming woman, scarred for life, is just like me with my scars that and hinder and equip at the same time. And remember that we, maybe, can just hide ours better.

Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the festival site and blocking our processare savouring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they will be at Greenbelt together.

Creator God, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the greatest gift is love. That it is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. But those for who, on first impressions, make us shudder, or sigh or grunt with irritability.

Open our soul and press your finger tip right on that part, the part to raise your love to the surface. So it touches the practical. The proactive. The love department.

Web Stats 11 - 17 August'08

Friday 1 August 2008

Just becausesomeone doesn't love youthe way you want them to,doesn't meanthey don't love youwith all they have.

Web Stats 21 - 27 July'08

Web Stats 14 - 21 July '08

Monday 30 June 2008

All St Cuthberts Man

St Cuthberts Men's forum

Web Stats 23 - 29 June 2008

Wednesday 28 May 2008


Everybody knows that they're guilty
Everybody knows that they've lied
Everybody knows that they're guilty
Resting on their conscience eating their inside
It's freedom, said it's freedom time now
It's freedom, said it's freedom time now
Time to get free, oh give yourselves up now
It's freedom, said it's freedom time

Monday 26 May 2008

..... here you see Albert Einstein .

Step back from your screen and look at it from a distance and tell me who it is??
Come on, get off your chair and walk away to the other side of the room ......

Web stats 19 - 25 May 2008

Sunday 18 May 2008

Battle & Buddah

"In a battle, the winners and the losers lose"


Canterbury Cathedral is littered with memories of the dead.
Famous humans of an era long gone.
Tombs of Archbishops of Canterbury's.
Read the memorial on this one.
I love what Buddha says.

And this applies in the office, the factory, the youth club, the pub and street .......
If we want to win, not serve - give, there is a a hole in the soul ........

Web stats 5 - 11 May 2008

Saturday 3 May 2008


Dance like no one is watching

Sing like no one is listening

And love like you have never been hurt.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Gift From God

Gifts often come wrapped differently.
delicately wrapped,
in plain brown paper,
tied in ribbons.

You are precious
Special - in extreme
A GIFT from God to this World Community

The worst thing anyone can do is to get a gift
and leave it unwrapped –
-not revealing the gift inside.

You are a gift from God and the worst thing is for you to stay
You have so much to offer –
and that is your
uniqueness –
than every other person
on the planet.

If we unwrap – feel a bit naked,
we grow
If we stay unwrapped,
un - revealed to others
we do not share our uniqueness,
we take no risks.

In a couple of my books I talk about
'Level 5 communication'
and I want to walk you through the levels ::
Level 1
Cliché ::
is when we communicate in clichĂ© –
“lovely weather we are having” -
so natural to say to strangers
so boring with intimate friends
those we wish to relate too better.

Level 2
Facts ::
This level is when we
communicate facts only.
Retelling what we have done,
What we saw on TV,
viewed at the football match.
Interesting, maybe, but only for a little while.

Level 3
Opinions ::
This level we start to unwrap a little –
it is when we give opinions
we give something of ourselves away
(maybe about the TV programme or football).
Watch out here – others could disagree.

Level 4
Feelings ::
This is the big start of real communication – unwrapping.
Level 4 is all about feelings.
When we are honest to another about our
feelings which are active - here and now - right there in our interior self.
How we are feeling within – emotional stuff.
When, are are willing to take that step, we reveal/unwrap these –
we are taking risks
but wonderfully so.
People begin to understand our human beautifulness.
We become more alive to them.
The relationship becomes alive.

Level 5
Total Openness ::
This is the target.
Maybe never achieved.
It is total openness,
honesty –
fully unwrapped.
This, I believe,
is beautiful.
This is how all people best open up,
grow, develop, change.
And I believe that the better we become at this –
the warmer,
the more beautiful
we can become - in our 'becoming'.

We can ‘Level 5’ with our partners.
With our friends.
Work mates.
God too!

It all begins with taking the risk
taking off wrappings
share the gift we are
with others
not waiting for others.

or we can stay
a gift unwrapped
a beautiful human
a beautiful human

You are much more than I can see.
.......... will you take a peek?

© Pip Wilson

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Not Afraid

Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?
because if I tell you who I am,
and you don't like who I am,
that is all I have".

This is the 'Not Afraid' Mission for this blog.
I want to bleed openness - reality - the good, the bad, and the beautiful!

Monday 14 April 2008

Butterfly Effect

Take a living child and
sew him up in a
dead mans skin.

has come back to life.

I read that recently, about how children become just like their Grandfather, or Grandmother, with values, attitudes, principles and behaviour.

Grandfather has come back to life.

'Each recruit of the human race
is a the instrument for what is called socialisation,

that is, getting each new recruit to the human race

to behave and experience in substantially
the same way as those who are already here.'

As I see it, my Mission
is about facilitating opportunities
for humans to grow and develop
to be
all that they can become.

"A caterpillar looks nothing like a butterfly
but one develops from the other"

I believe that.
I believe that for humans too!

Often beautiful humans are trapped in a dead persons skin.
They don't know any other options - often.
There is a beautiful human in there - trying to get out.
And that is where other humans, like you and me, comes in.
In the process of working at our own stumbling development, we are aiming to be of some support and usefulness to others.

Thirty years ago I was leading a team of forty Youth Worker on the streets/clubs of East London.
Once a month we had a Training evening.
A skilled human from outside came in and I, the Team Leader, became a peer in learning alongside my colleagues.
Having a strategic plan of how to take in - vital!
We all need to take in as well as give out.

I leave you with a quote - so undress your soul - here it comes::

"Everything depends on the lens you use.
Make your gaze beautiful. "

John O'Donohue

Web State 7 - 14 April 2008

Friday 4 April 2008

I want to be whole?

I want to be whole
No I don't
To be perfect.........
Is ..........
Not to be
Not to happen.

Reminds me of the story, a man saw the butterfly struggle as it tried to break out of it's chrysalis. So, with small scissors, he cut through the binding, locking, gripping chrysalis and the butterfly struggled free.

Then it flopped fell over could not move it's wings weak, never to fly.

The very act in the struggle it to gain strength.

The worst times in my life I fear them even now yet looking back, they were the greatest in terms of

self awareness,
life .............

I don't want to be whole. I want to journey in that direction
I want to shout
I want to sing
I am free

I am free
I am free indeed.

Join me?
Or do you think that is all talk mad rubbish? and someone else but in to my wisdom with better words - but I can take it - I want it EVEN

"The whole person is on the one side open to God,
and on the other side open to other people.
The isolated individual is not a real person,
for a real person lives in and for others.
This idea...could be summed up under the word love.
We become truly personal by loving God and by loving other humans.
By love,
I don’t mean merely an emotional feeling,
but a fundamental attitude.
In its deepest sense,
love is the life,
the energy,
of the Creator in us.
We are not truly human as long as we are turned in on ourselves.
We become whole only insofar as we face others, and relate to them."

Pip Wilson

SHOW ME !!!!